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Tuesday 25 August 2015


《槟城好料: Scuba Lounge- Happy Hour 大优惠)
Scuba Lounge 就在Eastin Hotel 附近。我被它场地的布置给吸引着。它给我的第一个感觉像 ”海洋“。Live Band 的音乐也非常舒服。最令我”瞩目“的是看到每一个桌上都摆着一杯杯 ”红,黄,蓝,青,而又 金光闪闪的 大杯子。最 “Tua Kong”(厉害)的是 每一杯都正冒出浓浓的 ”白烟“ 好像 戏里常常看到的仙境

此外,Scuba Lounge 的菜单里头还有很多超特别的菜色。例如,它的 BBQ Khushiyaki, Shishamo Fish Grilled, Enoki Bacon, Ika Terayaki, Takoyaki Ball, Oyako Don, Bolognese pasta, japanese Rice Pizza, 和 Chicken Pizza 等等。这些日本料理都是大家非常耳熟能详的名字。
。。还有。。。还有。。。。每天 5pm - 9pm 是他们的 “ Happy Hour” 大优惠!只需 RM150 , 你将享受到 10 pints 的 Carlsberg/Connor’s 或是 3 Buckets 的 Carlsberg/ 2 Buckets 的 Corona. 还有如果人多,你还可以订购 2个 “Towers Carlsberg” 只需 RM99罢了。

Scuba lounge 在哪里? 不就是在Eastin Hotel后面咯!

(Contact No: Mr Tan 6017-4756028)

#‎phlscuba‬ ‪#‎penangholiao‬ ‪#‎ilovetravelling‬ ‪#‎phlcafe‬ ‪#‎phlrestaurant‬ ‪#‎scubalounge‬

Pulau Rawa ( Johor )

 Pulau Rawa

漂亮的Pulau Rawa,就在柔佛州。



For more information : email


The Shorea Resort

  The Shorea Resort


【The Shorea】
地址:Kampung Kolam Air, Mukim Pantai, Jalan Jelebu, Negeri Sembilan, 71770 Malaysia.
联络号码:+60 17-338 5698

Seven Terraces Hotel @ Penang

Seven Terraces Hotel @ Penang

SEVEN TERRACES – this newly opened small private hotel of only 18 suites is by the award-winning hoteliers Karl Steinberg and Christopher Ong. (Winners of the 2007 UNESCO Award of Distinction for heritage conservation and regular Conde Naste Hot List nominees). 

They have converted a grand row of seven C19th Anglo Chinese terraces, in one of Penang’s finest and most intact heritage streets, into a romantic, beautiful and timeless retreat, perfectly positioned in the very heart of the World Heritage Site, next door to the 1810 Goddess of Mercy Temple and just a few minutes walk from all the major icons. It successfully captures and celebrates the spirit of this world heritage town and its unique peranakan culture.

With a lap pool, Asian fusion dining room, full bar and exquisitely furnished reception and public areas, the hotel offers the perfect spoil and sanctuary but within a skip of the living culture and hawker food for which Penang is so famous.

All suites are air conditioned with l.e.d. tvs and beautiful open plan bathrooms, four poster carved Chinese beds grace the mezzanine bedrooms and exquisite gilded peranakan antique furniture and artworks fill the livingrooms below. 

The suites surround an elegant and very long, chinese granite courtyard with beds of frangipani set between tall wooden columns and tessellated walkways. Some suites have their own outdoor decks with views of the Georgian Church.

The Grand Apartment has four bedrooms and its own garden terrace and sits beyond a private entrance and pairs of gilded Chinese doors. It is furnished with a collection of laquered, chinoiserie cabinets, opium beds, desks and altar tables and features other exquisite C19th baba nonya furniture and collectibles.
Straits Chinese meets modernism with an effect that is truly dazzling, unassuming, friendly and welcoming.

This is a very very good hotel  in the middle of Georgetown Penang. The service is consummate with friendly engaged staff who are very good indeed at their jobs. The decor of the hotel is ornate as it is a converted series of terrace houses furnished in traditional Chinese style. You can even buy some of the antiques at an associated store at the back of the hotel. The rooms are very spacious and clean. There are some quirks. 

The entrance doors are double carved wood doors with a second set behind them so ingress and egress to the room is quirky, but many would like this. The restaurant is first class and breakfast is very good indeed. The pricing reflects the premium nature of this hotel but for what you get is reasonable. One downside. The linen does not match the premium standards of the rest of this property. Yellow spotted old towels need to be thrown away and replaced with new ones that are consistent with the deserved 5 star status of this hotel.



1. 拉哇岛 Rawa Island

2. 西巴丹岛 Sipadan Island

3. 丹绒加拉 Tanjong Jara

4. 马布岛 Mabul Island
马布岛是位于沙巴东海岸Tun Sakaran海洋公园的众多岛屿之一,距离仙本那海滨小镇约30-45分钟。马布岛无论是蔚蓝海洋及细白沙滩都不输给马尔代夫。这里的海滩拥有的很可能会是你见过最棒的清澈海水和那如明信片般景色,绝对不会让你失望。

5. 沙比岛 Sapi Island
沙比岛位于离沙巴哥打京那巴鲁市中心的海岸线外,从渡轮码头到岛需要20分钟的船程。如果你是摩托艇,香蕉船和滑翔伞这些水上活动的爱好者,这个岛是您的 最佳选择,因为它提供很多不同的沙滩和水上活动。虽然在这里的海洋生物有点欠缺,但你不会想错过在那美丽沙滩的树荫下,享受轻松慵懒的一天。

6. Teluk Air Tawar
Teluk Air Tawar 位于Pulau Tenggol 的西部,是个拥有白色细沙和清澈海水的热带天堂。有别于附近其他较商业化的岛屿如热浪岛和Lang Tengah,这里就像是个隐藏的宝石,最适合那些寻宁静与私密的游客。

7. 小停泊岛 Perhentian Kecil Island

8. 拉央拉央岛 Layang-layang Island

9. 丹绒鲁 Tanjung Rhu

10. 奥尔岛 Aur Island

Saturday 15 August 2015

Kebaya Ba Ba Bar Sunday Nyonya Tea

Friday 14 August 2015


 此外,他们还有另一门生意 ”富二代“点心。说到点心,一定要试试它们的 ” 泰式蒸鱼飙,印度咖喱烧米,蘑菇包,流沙包。看看那些师傅们,多么的用心去制作所有的点心。