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Wednesday 3 February 2016

【槟城 Batu Ferringgi “风景靓, 美食正” 特色浪漫情人套餐/自助餐】

【槟城 Batu Ferringgi “风景靓, 美食正” 特色浪漫情人套餐/自助餐】小编推荐5颗星!! ★★★★★ |Month of Love Special at Uncle Zack By the Beach | 2016年 2月 1日至 29日|6:30pm - 10:30pm |槟城好料|

住了槟城这么多年, 小编竟然现在才知道这间有着浪漫沙滩+黄昏美景,食物又正的西式餐厅【Uncle Zack By the Beach】!这间在PARKROYAL Penang Resort 已营业多年的西式餐厅一直是回头率超高的哦~ 在这甜蜜的 二月份里,槟城宾乐雅度假村酒店的【Uncle Zack By the Beach】每天都提供 “情人晚餐” (除了14/2 以外) ,让一些不想在 14/2/16 情人节当天遇上 堵车,人山人海的情侣们预备了这浪漫的套餐。5道菜,一对情侣只需RM288.00nett ,免费附送玫瑰一支 ,红酒或鸡尾酒。

当然,还是有很多人都喜欢纪念 14/2/16 (6:30pm to 10:30pm) 这重大的日子,槟城宾乐雅度假村酒店的【Uncle Zack By the Beach】在 情人节当天预备了特别的 “ 烟花情人节自助餐” RM158.00 nett/一个人。 烟花,美景,美食,还有还有,你和她,那不就太诗情画意了吧!!☆〜(ゝ。∂)

槟城宾乐雅度假村酒店的【Uncle Zack By the Beach】无论在厨房还是招待客人的服务态度都是超棒的呀!除了食物的品质维持在一定的水准以外,最重要是来到这里看黄昏的感觉超温暖的 呀!就坐在沙滩的甲板上,欣赏着 ”天空的谢幕“ 慢慢进入黄昏,当天空布满了星星时

,就在这一刻,男士们可慢慢递上你爱的礼物,在对她说声 “ I Love You “ , 太罗曼蒂克,太 ”Lam“ 了吧! *・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・* 别等了哦!快快计划一下你要几时带你的另一半来槟城宾乐雅度假村酒店的【Uncle Zack By the Beach】庆祝情人节。

【槟城 Batu Ferringgi “风景靓, 美食正” 特色浪漫情人套餐/自助餐】
地址:PARKROYAL Penang Resort
电话:+60 4 886 2288

【Penang Batu Ferringgi “Month of Love Special at Uncle Zack By the Beach”】 
1 to 29 February 2016, 6:30pm - 10:30pm (except 14 February 2016)
Month of Love Special at Uncle Zack By The Beach
If you and your partner prefer to avoid Valentine's Day crowd, then indulge in our romantic five-course western set "Love Bite" menu. Romantic sparks will surely fly all over again as you both quietly witness the sun slipping below the horizon just before dinner.
MYR288 nett per couple .Price is inclusive of wine, cocktail or mocktail for each person and a rose for the lady

14 February 2016, 6:30pm to 10:30pm
Valentine's Fireworks Buffet Dinner by the Beach
Woo that special someone this Valentine's Day with a romantic dinner under the starry night by the beach. A feast of buffet, a rose, a special cocktail, "Just Love" and our entertaining strolling band awaits you and your partner. MYR158 nett per adult

Romance is in air when you dine at PARKROYAL Penang Resort.
For enquiries or reservation, speak with us at +60 4 886 2288 or email restaurant.prpen@parkroyalhotels.com

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