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Thursday 24 March 2016

【全城最具影响力的物业投资策略分享会 】

【全城最具影响力的物业投资策略分享会 】是时候投资在自己的 “脑袋” ! | 2016年 3月26日|1pm - 6pm|SharedSphere @ The One, Bayan Baru |槟城好料 (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))
" 槟城好料-无条件送出 37 张 入门票,请大家到此领取!“


物业投资策略都是每一人脑里一直再想的一环,以其自己在脑里轉牛角尖,不如就让Kaygarn把 这将帮你扶摇直上到你的财务自由 ,并告诉你为何富人喜欢投资于房地产的5个原因, 2基本性质的投资策略和1个秘密配方,以实现大家的财务自由
你有没有想过一个人怎么能够不断地买房子?是否有这样的公式?当你听到哪里有物业投资的热门地点时,你应该如何分析和决定购买它?有没有可以采用的系统和行之有效的策略?而最重要的是, 3年后,房子落成,并拿到钥匙后,你该如何管理你的物业?

【全城最具影响力的物业投资策略分享会 】 门票:RM47,凡出席者,每位将得到 1 x Unleasing Your Wealth Through Property Investment + 1 x Real Estate Riches + Ho Chin Soon Area Map ( 以上电子书将免费附送给你!☆〜(ゝ。∂))详情:http://www.aboutpropertyinvestment.com/holiao
【全城最具影响力的物业投资策略分享会 】
日期:2016年 3月26日
时间:1pm - 6pm
地点:SharedSphere @ The One, Bayan Baru
联络: Lisa @ 012-703 9189 or email lisa@freemindworks.com.my

REVEALED: Secrets of Property Investment Strategies that will Skyrocket You To Your Financial Freedom. Discover the 5 reasons why the rich invest in property, 2 fundamental property investment strategies and 1 secret formula to achieve your financial freedom.
Do you ever wonder how can an individual buy properties over and over again? Is there a formula for this?Your read about property launches in supposedly HOTSPOTS and POPULAR location.What should you STUDY or LOOK AT before deciding to buy?Is there a SYSTEM and PROVEN STRATEGIES you can adopt?And most importantly, 3 years down the road, after getting your keys, what to do with your property? For more detail http://www.aboutpropertyinvestment.com/holiao
" FREE 37 tickets special awarded to our Penang Holiao Members for Free. Grab it here!“

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