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Sunday 29 October 2017

【万圣节🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃派对!Auto-City ,Juru Halloween Party 2017】

【万圣节🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃派对!Auto-City ,Juru Halloween Party 2017】29 Oct (Sun) 8pm | #槟城好料

#万圣节那里去?Auto-City ,Juru 咯!每年的这天,无数 天马行空的 “#妖魔鬼怪” 都会各出奇招!把自己化妆+打扮成。。。。👿 👹 👺 💩 👻 💀 ☠️ 👽 👾 🤖 🎃, 快来看看!大奖花落谁家!

IVY'S MAKE-UP AND BEAUTY ACADEMY is now searching for Model! What are you waiting for? 
Call 012-483 0456 / 04-399 3822 for more detail.

Great prize are waiting for you! 
Prizes for Halloween Makeover Contest #Adult Category are total worth up to RM 8,700!
Champion - Cash + Voucher + Trophy + Certificate worth RM1,600
1st Runner-Up - Cash + Voucher + Trophy + Certificate worth RM1,200
2nd Runner - Cash + Voucher + Trophy + Certificate worth RM1,000 
Consolation - Voucher + Trophy + Certificate worth RM4,900

Prizes for Halloween Makeover Contest #KID Category are total worth up to RM 7,200!
Champion - Cash + Voucher + Trophy + Certificate worth RM1,250
1st Runner-Up - Cash + Voucher + Trophy + Certificate worth RM1,100
2nd Runner-Up - Cash + Voucher + Trophy + Certificate worth RM950
Consolation - Voucher + Trophy + Certificate worth RM4,900

Add:Auto City Juru 
Biz Hours:30/9/17-12/11/17 (7pm to 12 am)

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