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Saturday 16 July 2016

【先睹为快 !新山最热爆 BON ODORI 2016!】就在 Eco Business Park

【先睹为快 !新山最热爆 BON ODORI 2016!】就在 Eco Business Park 1 ! | 7月23日 2016年 | 3pm - 10pm | Johor Holiao (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))

【先睹为快 !新山最热爆 BON ODORI 2016!】现在你不用到日本,也能感受到日本超人气的活动BON ODORI 2016!就在Eco Business Park 1 . 不容错过!当天,将有一只超超超 Kawaii 的巨大招财猫想你来招财!又有许许多多的日本小木偶娃娃欢迎你 和 看到鲤鱼形的, Koinoboris ,在天上飘飘起舞。这一切,都足以让你融入BON ODORI 2016 (盆踊り) 的气氛里,High到爆表!除此之外,主办单位EcoWorld 也特别有巧思;最大亮点就是那 超大型的烟花表演, 又可以在美丽的樱花树下赏 “花” 。天上地上都有 “花”。还有,还有,超过90个美食档口,让你眼福,口福都满满哦!记得,一定要来啊!当晚,也不能少了多种的日本游戏和舞蹈表演。ちょっと待て!。肯定,不论是大人或小孩,都要High到不行咯!!嘻嘻嘻 !
每位出席的你,都有机会参加 “幸运抽奖” ,头奖是一份 “往返日本旅游机票“ 。 今天,心动不如行动!马上,上网登记以取得 ” Express Pass” -优先通行证有限,先到先得,送完为止!*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・* 优先通行证 : http://ecoworld-bonodori2016.eventbrite.com/?s=6752279
FINALLY, BON ODORI 2016 (盆踊り) IS HERE! The long awaited Japanese Summer Festival comes to Eco Business Park 1 . Join us for the festivities that feature amazing pyromusical fireworks performance surrounded by beautiful massive Sakura trees, a giant lucky cat, Tokyo Tower, Kokeshi Dolls, Koinoboris and more. Also, there will be more than 90 food stalls along with traditional Japanese games and dance performances! ちょっと待て!
Be sure to participate in the lucky draw to win a round trip ticket to Japan! Stay tuned for more exciting updates!
Register yourself at http://ecoworld-bonodori2016.eventbrite.com/?s=6752279 to get express pass!
Date : 23 July 2016 Saturday
Time : 3pm - 10pm
Venue : Eco Business Park 1 
No. 2 & 6, Jalan Ekoperniagaan 1/5,
Taman Ekoperniagaan, 81100 Johor Bahru.
Google Map : https://goo.gl/5xzoUs
Contact : +607 288 2525

Follow us at Instagram: @PenangHoliao

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