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Thursday 9 February 2017

【哇哇哇!「 Makemake Cafe」2017年2月11日 隆重开幕!现在 Design Village 也可以吃到槟城道地美食咯! 】

【哇哇哇!「 Makemake Cafe」2017年2月11日 隆重开幕!现在 Design Village 也可以吃到槟城道地美食咯! 】首100 光临的朋友,将得到免费套餐!

是谁说 Design Village 不多东西吃的!「 Makemake Cafe」就要把最道地的槟城街边美食带给大家!不管 Design Village 是你来槟城的第一站,还是离开槟城的最后一站!

大家也不用在四处寻找啦,来到「 Makemake Cafe」,你将品尝到所有这些令人垂涎三尺的槟城街头美食将融入一个餐牌,一所餐厅里!

在想着炒粿条,Keow Teow汤,Hokkien mee或虾面,Laksa,Mee Rebus,咖喱面,Nasi Lemak和 Lor mee 吗?午餐或晚餐时间,不只吃一道,两道,而是可以道道皆吃!

「 Makemake Cafe」是一处拥有现代化装潢的cafe,宽阔舒适。记得啦!在 Design Village shop 到肚子饿时,记得来尝尝啦!开张太好康!在 2月11 & 12日光临 「 Makemake Cafe」将得到免费套餐!

Penang is often touted as Asia’s number one street food haven and a trip to Penang is not complete without at least a bowl of noodles in the charming streets of Georgetown. 

Makemake Penang cafe grand opening promo 11th & 12nd Feb: Free 1 set meal (rice/noodle + drink) for first 100 customers

Make Make Café which is located in the exciting new outlet mall in Penang, Design Village, brings all these mouth watering Penang street food into one single venue, in a modern café setting. Make Make which is named after one of the dwarf planets in the Kuiper Belt is also the Kelantan slang for makan makan, or eat eat.

Think authentic koay teow thng or keow teow soup, hokkien mee or prawn noodles, laksa, mee rebus, curry mee, nasi lemak and lor mee and you can look forward to more than one bowl of authentic Penang noodles for lunch or dinner. 

Make Make brings the best Penang hawker food in a modern eclectic cafe. But don’t just instagram or eat here. Explore the stylish Design Village too and take advantage of its fashion bargains or just chill in its unique gardens after your meal

Name/ 名字 : Makemake Cafe 
Add/ 地址:Lot G25 design village, 733, Jalan Barat Cassia 2,14110, Bandar Cassia, Penang
Biz hours/ 营业时间:11am-10pm
Tel/ 联络号码:04-5899277
FaceBook Page/ 面子书:https://www.facebook.com/makemakecafe/
Instagram: @makemakecafe

Follow us at Instagram: @PenangHoliao

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