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Sunday 27 November 2016

【槟城 Eastin Hotel Swez Brasserie- 圣诞自助晚餐】

【槟城 Eastin Hotel Swez Brasserie- 圣诞自助晚餐】皇后湾 | I Love Travelling (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))

【槟城 Eastin Hotel Swez Brasserie - 圣诞自助晚餐】毗邻皇后湾广场, 今年在圣诞前夕,为大家预备了一顿美味的圣诞晚餐,这自助晚餐分别有冷盘,海鲜有大螃蟹,鲜虾,青蚝,鲜蚝,和其他的美食。

单单享受海鲜都让人开心到不得了咯!还有非常应节的烤火鸡和烤羊肉呢。 此外,当然!不可少Sweet Sweet 的甜品啦!看看那可爱的小巧克力屋,小编好想一大口咬下去。 嘻嘻嘻嘻! *・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

非常窝心的 Eastin Hotel, 决定了 一人只需 RM 178 nett 哦!而且,还有早鸟优惠 25% 折扣 如果你在 2016 年 12 月15日之前预订,然后,当天付款。

不等啦!带同,爸爸,妈妈,爷爷,奶奶 一起去吧! 年长的朋友还有 20%折扣。 5岁以下的孩童免费。大家还可得到一个 Party pack 和有机会与圣诞老人selfie哦! 快快预订你的座位吧- 604-6121111!(T & C Apply)

This year come and celebrate your Christmas with all your family members at Eastin Hotel Swez Brasserie. This buffet Christmas eve dinner is exclusive and delectable specially tailored to cater this wonder festive season.

The menu are presented in 9 amazing dishes’ category such as cole, delicacies, cheese corner, soup carving, seafood on ice, pasta, western delights, hot delicacy, and dessert.

Of Course, we are not forgetting the mouth-watering carvey roast turkey , poached seabass, variety of creamy and bolognese pasta. Early bird discount 25%/pax, Senior citizen discount 20%, FOC for children 5 years and below. Reserve your seat here: 604-6121111

【槟城 Eastin Hotel Swez Brasserie- 圣诞自助晚餐】
Add:Eatin Hotel ~ Penang
Date: 24/12/2016
Time:6.30pm - 10pm
Email: infor.pg@eastin.com

Follow us at Instagram: @PenangHoliao|
我爱好料部落格:http://iloveholiao.com & www.penangholiao.com

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