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Thursday 1 December 2016

【全城最高的餐厅 David Brown's 西餐厅~ ★ 圣诞烛光晚餐 RM238++ 】

【全城最高的餐厅 David Brown's 西餐厅~ ★ 圣诞烛光晚餐 RM238++ 】 | 升旗山 | 槟城好料 |

David Brown's 这间位于槟城升旗山的一个西餐厅。 周围空气清新。露天花园式摆设。

在此用餐时, 感觉无拘无束。空气清新。在此当然不能错过乔治市全景。

特别是旁晚时分,气候有点冷,更加迷人,情人们, 在十二月圣诞节里,你想好了去哪里与你的爱人或家人庆祝了吗? 

【David Brown's 西餐厅】将为大家预备了一个独特的圣诞烛光晚餐只需 RM238++ 1 人,订购 2 个套餐,你将得到一瓶红酒,完全免费。OR 10%折扣 。座位有限,请提早预订:04-828 8337

Christmas season is approaching, have you been thinking where can you and your love one to celebrate this wonderful season? David Brown's Restaurant & Tea Terrace situated right on top of Penang Hill, have prepared a wonderful dinner set menu to serve you and your love one at RM238++/pax, buy 2 set dinner, you shall be given a bottle of house wine or receive a 10% upon your total bills. Please do not hesitate, if this is the place you have in mind, call to reserve your table now! Reservation No : 04-828 8337
名字 :David Brown's Restaurant & Tea Terrace
地址:Strawberry Hill, Penang Hill
营业时间:11am - 9pm
联络号码:04-828 8337

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