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Tuesday 6 December 2016

【大马首家日本窜红的北海道冰淇淋 Milkissimo !新土司喜乐!】

【大马首家日本窜红的北海道冰淇淋 Milkissimo !新土司喜乐!】在10AM -2PM 这时段点他们的土司 还有免费的咖啡或茶哦!! | Penang Holiao (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))

Ta-da!! 各位土司控,有好消息和大家分享哦!milkissimo最近推出了8款不同口味的土司哦!土司可不是一般的土司哦。

。用的是日本最畅销的Balmuda烤机, 结合日本最新的蒸汽烘烤技术, 烤出来的土司可是于众不同哦!! 香脆的表面, 松软的里面, 再加上他们的日本食谱, 味道绝对让你惊艳!! 不信?? 来试试看吧!!

今天我就为大家介绍其中的两款土司吧!Balmuda Honey Toast 和Balmuda Peanut Butter Toast。



因为相较于其他品牌的土司,milkissimo的土司比較好嚼一點,而且Balmuda Honey Toast甜而不腻,这个是我较为喜欢的,而Balmuda Peanut Butter Toast也是相当不错的, 花生的淡淡咸味在搭配上香蕉的果香甜味,真的是绝佳拍档,当然土司本身的松软外酥让这道甜点加分不少哦!快来尝试这边的土司,你肯定会爱上它!

我们的P/S: 在10AM -2PM 这时段点我们的土司 还有免费的咖啡或茶哦!!

TA-DA! Presenting you our new Milkissimo Toasts!! Using No. 1 Japan best seller Toaster , BALMUDA Toaster , is also called steam oven toaster as it combines perfect temperature control and steam technology! This combination allows the inner of the toast to retain it's moisture while making the outer layer crispy as well as restoring the freshness of the toast! They have 8 types of toast that will suit to everyone's taste , from salty to sweet and even salty and sweet pairings! Sounds too good to be true? Come and try it yourself!
P/S : Order our toasts from 10a.m. to 2p.m. to enjoy free coffee or tea !!
地址:Gurney Plaza, 1st floor, new wing, 10250 Penang
营业时间:10am - 10pm

Follow us at Instagram: @PenangHoliao

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