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Wednesday 9 August 2017

【婚宴,聚会,搞活动 !来杯 Glinter气泡水呗! 】

【婚宴,聚会,搞活动 !来杯 Glinter气泡水呗! 】 | #槟城好料

“饮胜 “ 是婚宴,聚会,搞活动里,常常都会听到口号!如果不想用酒或有色汽水,大家不妨试试 Glinter 气泡水呗!广受时下年轻人喜爱的饮料- Glinter!Glinter 就是果味气泡水,会有很清新的水果口感及味道。

体验前所未有的 Glinter 气泡水,搭配8种不同的水果口味,味道清新解渴,口感上佳。而且,无添加色素,咖啡因,使其饮料成透明态,时尚而透明的图像包装,让你的视觉与味觉上,有更不同的享受。

Glinter 气泡水是通过使用与水果香精,精制果糖和二氧化碳混合的天然水的充气水生产的。事实上,使用果糖制造,比起使用普通糖精少了70%的卡路里,使其饮料低糖,低卡路里,要求健康者可饮用。

它是最适合运动,工作的饮料和不要忘记制作鸡尾酒的饮料!不同于其他人, Glinter 气泡水不含咖啡因,无糖和无色素,这意味着它是每个人都渴望的软饮料。 Glinter 气泡水已出口至少44个国家,普遍被国际市场所信任及认同

Experience by yourself the most amazing Glinter soft drink with 8 different fruit flavors amplified by the perfect combination of great taste lively colors, design, fashionable and clean transparent fleshy looking image, fresh and quench, best taste ever.

Glinter Soft Drink was produced by aerated water that uses natural water mixed with fruit flavour essence, refined fructose and CO2. In fact, it is the most suitable beverages for sport, work meals and not forgetting making cocktails!! Unlike others, Glinter soft drink is caffeine free, saccharin free and coloring free, which mean that it is a soft drink that everyone is craving for.

Name : Glinter Softdrink
Contact :0125446699

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