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Friday 18 August 2017

【好料好康来咯!8月里!AirAsiaGo送你GETRM100(现金回扣RM100)+ ILOVEMY (住宿折扣10%)】

【好料好康来咯!8月里!AirAsiaGo送你GETRM100(现金回扣RM100)+ ILOVEMY (住宿折扣10%)】

嘿嘿嘿~#爱旅行但不想花大钱的你一定要学会这招啦当你在AirAsiaGo.com订购”机票+住宿”,只要输入优惠密码GETRM100,马上就可以得到RM100回扣,快快上网游览AirAsiaGo.comhttps://goo.gl/mLHcZL 》的配套,好好物色下一个旅游目的地吧!只要消费满RM1000或以上就可以享受此优惠啦!

如果你只是订购了机票,还没购买住宿,快快在AirAsiaGo的#APP里订购Hotel时,输入 ILOVEMY,你就可以省下 10%住宿费吶!别等啦! 优惠截止日期:27/8/2017
Key in AirAsiaGo.com’s special promo code GETRM100 and get instant RM100 off for Flight + Hotel booking* for your trip. Head to [https://goo.gl/mLHcZL ] and plan your next vacation now!

If you have booked your flight and have yet to decide on your hotel stays, don’t worry, we have it covered, key in the promo code ILOVEMY** on the mobile app and enjoy an additional 10% off for standalone hotel booking.

*Minimum spend of RM1,000 **The promo code are applicable via mobile app only

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